The new "standardized" AOSpine Principles Course
The harmonization of AOSpine's Principles Courses provides consistency and uniformity across regions, cultures, and languages. The challenge was to provide the regions with increased flexibility while maintaining the high quality educational content that AOSpine is renowned for.
A review of past Principles Courses showed significant variations in content—particularly between regions—and a lack of consistent messages regarding these educational events. The AOSpine Education Commission (AOSEC) appointed a working group led by Chris Cain, to design a more uniform structure and template based on the AOSpine Curriculum for global implementation.
The new standardized course templates include 8 core modules and 1 optional module over 1.5 to 2 days, with defined learning outcomes for each module. The recommendation from the group for the standardized course was approved by the AOSEC in December 2013 and is now available for global rollout in all regions.
First reactions have been very positive. Ali Haghnegahdar, the Educational Advisor on the course in Erbil, Iraq, says that the new modular format allows better delivery of the most important educational aspects of the course. "The revamped course ensures the intended learning outcomes are addressed consistently and the key messages are delivered the same way regardless of location."
"The new format and resources are a great improvement over previous courses in the uniformity of both content and course design."
Abdel Monem Al Saddiky, chairperson of the pilot course in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
"The value of the faculty support package was very evident during a recent Principles course held in Kathmandu, Nepal. This was the first time such a course was held in the region and many of the faculty members were new to AOSpine. The provision of presentation outlines and clear learning outcomes enabled the delivery of a quality program with appropriate content and focus for the participants. All faculty members, local, regional, and international found the material provided to be extremely valuable."
Chris Cain, chairman of the working group, chairperson of the Standardized Principles Course,
Kathmandu, Nepal, 2014
The regional AOSEC members are guiding the implementation by reviewing the content, making adaptations to meet local needs, and analyzing evaluation data and feedback with the support of chairpersons and Educational Advisors.
A comprehensive Faculty Support Package is available for the new Principles Course through the AOSpine Faculty Center, comprising of:
• Templates and a guide for developing and delivering a case-based or lecture-based course
• Detailed learning outcomes and activities for each module
• An outline for delivering each educational activity (lecture, case discussion, practical exercise)
• A library of cases with prepared discussion points and take-home messages
• A library of presentations with a structured outline, illustrated content, and optional slides
• A standard set of case-based questions for pre- and postcourse assessment during the course
"The prepared slides and cases are a resource and are not meant to be prescriptive ways to deliver the content."
Chris Cain, Associate Professor, University of Colorado Denver, chairman of the Standardized Principles Course working group
Chris and his colleagues in the working group have dedicated a considerable amount of time and thought to the new format. They are requesting your support and also suggestions for improvement, so please share your experiences with them! If you or a colleague develops an excellent resource—for example, a practical exercise or model for dural repair—let the working group know and they can integrate your resource into the support materials.
"The prepared slides and cases are a resource and are not meant to be prescriptive ways to deliver the content, " explains Chris Cain, chairman of the working group. "To meet local needs, the chairperson can decide on the most appropriate combination of educational methods and the faculty can integrate their own cases."
Meet the Standardized Principles Course working group
The working group who designed a more uniform structure and templates for the AOSpine Principles Courses includes:
• Chris Cain chairman (introduction, assessment and cervical degeneration, deformity)
• Evan Davies (degenerative disease, practical exercises)
• Germán Ochoa (infection, tumor)
• Roberto Postigo (cervical trauma, thoracolumbar trauma)
• Jim Schuster (neurosurgery)
• YH Yau (neurosurgery)
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