Dear Reader
Many of us have kept going with the notion that we would be returning to a kind of normal by the time this Newsletter comes out. Even our working title was the "Back in Business" special. But instead of going back, we find ourselves moving ahead at a huge pace, making a COVID-19 assisted leap into the future where collaboration and sharing information take center stage. We are finding new ways to learn, do research, and connect with people, as well as witnessing a boost in innovation and new technologies—all at the very core of AO Spine and the reason for our being.
The Editors-in-Chief of AO Spine's Global Spine Journal take this opportunity to discuss what the future for scientific publishing looks like, what is the value of open access and the new impact factor. The GSJ is now the only ranked open access spine journal and the second ranked spine journal overall.
Another amazing result comes from AO Spine Research and we proudly call it "team science at its finest". Our collaborative study on the impact of COVID-19 on spine surgeons brought the global spine community together in an unprecedented way. The study is having an impact on health care policies worldwide and the World Health Organization (WHO) has requested outcomes of the study for future planning.
Half a dozen papers have already been published from the study. In this issue we will take a closer look at how surgeons health influences healthcare delivery in the age of COVID-19. We will continue to report back on further important topics and outcomes arising from the study in our future issues.
Our flagship events, the AO Davos Courses and the Global Spine Congress have transformed their educational concepts and will be based on new virtual and hybrid formats. Don't be mistaken, we are not inviting you to another webinar. "Virtual Davos" Spine courses combine the best online learning opportunities and flexible learning styles. Registration is open and the six-week online courses start on October 26, 2020.
Now is also the moment to submit your research to the Global Spine Congress 2021: call for abstracts is open until 15 September. Our new hybrid meeting format will come to life in Paris, France, from May 5–8, 2021. This will be an opportunity to reach an even wider global audience of spine specialists. Authors can make the decision to present in-person or virtually later this year.
The AO Spine Knowledge Forum Tumor is piloting a new self-operated recording device for lectures. We hope you will enjoy this first series with expert talks on the latest in spine oncology covering topics on both primary tumors of the spine and on metastatic spine disease. I must also point you to the unique resources that the AO Innovation Translation Center offers innovators. The Strategy fund and Development incubator funding and know-how can bring your ideas to life. Calls are open until the end of October 21, 2020.
Finally, I take great pleasure in introducing you to four good friends from our AO Family: the AO Spine International Board Chairperson-elect Asdrubal Falavigna, the Chairperson-elect for the AO Spine Research Commission Charles Fisher, and Michelle Clarke, who stepped into a brand new position on the AO Spine North America Board with the specific aim to provide a stronger voice in diversity. AO Spine Education Commission Chairperson Emre Acaroğlu already started this summer.
It is easy to feel overwhelmed at times like this when uncertainty is the only certainty. Our AO Spine International Chairperson S. Rajasekaran emphasizes how important it is to keep mentally and physically strong. I leave you with Raja's personal tips for managing the COVID blues, and hope you find the reading inspiring and informative!
Yours sincerely,
Norman Chutkan
Community Development Chairperson