Welcome to the spring edition of AOSpine FacultyFocus!


This issue has many interesting and informative articles for you to read but I wanted to take the time in my editorial to review the past and look forward to the next chapter for AOSpine education.


As the outgoing Chairperson of the AOSpine Education Commission (AOSEC), I have a unique perspective of the achievements of the AOSEC over the last 3 years. The Education Task Forces (TFs) have been working tirelessly and have launched new initiatives such as blended learning and mentorship. The Online TF has been busy cataloging our educational assets, our Quality TF is currently compiling a detailed educational needs assessment in our regions, and the Fellowship group has been steadily aligning the regional programs to ensure measurable success in the future.


With Bryan Ashman taking over the lead as Chairperson of AOSEC this summer I am confident that AOSpine has the person best qualified to resolve the challenges we face in education, but also to break new ground. With his academic background in adult education and his passion for teaching we will continue to produce innovative and effective learning tools and maintain our high status in faculty development.


Best wishes,

Michael Grevitt



Education Commission

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