Mike Grevitt

Welcome to FacultyFocus!

Welcome to the first edition of our newsletter for 2016.


FacultyFocus provides you with relevant information that has been specially selected for AOSpine faculty to keep you in touch with the latest in AOSpine Education.


In this newsletter we will share the results from the AOSpine Education Committee Chairperson elections and the new Chairpersons plans for the future of AOSpine Education, as well as the latest news on the new MIS module which has now been successfully trialled in the USA. Moreover I share with you my thoughts and updates from the AOSpine Faculty Development Taskforce following a meeting of all Task Force Champions in London in March.


Additionally, you will find a very practical guide to holding a successful webinar as well as the latest on the AO Faculty Development Alignment Project which will standardize all Faculty Development Programs across the clinical divisions.


We hope that you will enjoy reading this edition of FacultyFocus. As always, we welcome your feedback to the following address: education@aospine.org



Best wishes,


Mike Grevitt

AOSpine Education Commission Chairperson

We want to connect you with the happenings at AOSpine. Topic suggestions and feedback are encouraged. Please write to education@aospine.org with your input.




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